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Wildchild @Heaven, London – by Maria
Posted by Maria on Aug 25, 2003 - 9:00:00 AM

Wildchild @ Heaven : London – 24th August 2003

Well, it was here. My 2nd Wildchild to attend. Feeling a bit worse for wear from the Friday and the Saturday before, I was just about ready for it. Slightly hung over from drinking excessive amounts of alcohol the day before, at Hyde Park but all in the name of fun ! From having lots of sleep that night, in preparation for Wild child the day after, I thought I would be ready for the spectacular night that lay ahead of me ! Alas, I don’t think I was ready for what was ahead of me. I was still hung over – but what the hell, there are loads of people to see and lots of fun to be had – so f*ck it – let’s get the ball rolling !

It was about 6.00pm when James and I left Leighton Buzzard to meet everyone in the Pitcher & Piano in London where we were to sell some tickets for the commencing event and have a few banterous beers and get to see some old faces, and new !

We got into London about 7:00pm-ish, where James and I decided to go and search for some nice food before yet again, going out to enjoy a night on the piss with everyone ! We get to the pre meet up around 8:00pm-ish and see the wonderful Don who spotted us. This meet up consisted of the people I had not met before so, so far, this meet up was great ! At least, it was for me anyway !

Meeting new people off the board is always a buzz for me. The likes of Fintbeast, Squirrel, Sparky, BigE, Llama-man and a few more that I can’t quite remember ! But then it filled with all the members that I currently know, like CreamyC, Bukey, DoObY, VideoMikey, Jay, Nina, FredTheBaddie, Shenlong, Majikman, Helen, Elly, Tommy and loads more ! Most of the members that were at this pre meet up tonight were still practically buzzing off the successful day that was had the day before at Hyde Park, so they were all rearing to go to the one and only WildChild tonight.

As time was progressing towards 9:30pm, we had all decided that it was time to get our arses in gear and out through the door and make our way over to Heavan where WildChild was being held tonight. Feeling a bit pissed at the moment I was now in full force ready to just get in there, see the DJs, do a bit of tune spotting and just be with the people that I wanted to be with. That’s right. Those people are the members of CTW.

The queue wasn’t too bad here and the search in was pretty relaxed and the bouncers on the door were incredibly nice ! Which is nice. There is nothing worse than having a set of bouncers on the door that feed you nothing with attitude, to which I’m sure you all agree. So well done Wildchild ! So, in we go with VIP stamps on our hand (wheeey !) so the plan right now was, to dump our coats and bags in the cloak room and then venture around the 2 rooms that WildChild had on offer for us.

Firstly, we went up stairs in the hardhouse room where Lee Harris and Chris Hawks (members of wildchild) were then on the decks pleasing WildChilds crows with there immensely fine tuneage. Up here in this room, we met a few CTW members. Jilly aka Mistress_Hoover on CTW, who came all the way down from Edinburgh as, she was also dancing for WildChild tonight. Kether, a new member to the site to which many members were yet to meet, Pepsi, Tara, Jay..all giving it some hardhouse moves on the dancefloor to which at this point, "The Sanctuary" to which I’m sure all you hardhouse nutters have heard of, came into play and literally ROCKED, the dancefloor. All hands went up in the air and everyone just cheers. This is the atmosphere that just makes everything on the night, PERFECT.

Lee and Chris played a stomper of a set. Some wikid tunes all packed in, that just made each and every clubber in this room, fill the dancefloor and let the beats control their feet. Nice one boys !

Next up was my favourite hardhouse DJ, The man who inspires me to DJ. The man who plays it nothing but pure, hard, FILTHAGE. Yes yes, it was, Mr Paul Glazby. Horray !

Well, this was it for me, I was around the booth watching him perform his mixing skills and just generaly watching him inspire me some more !

For me, Pauls set wasn’t the best I’d heard. Wether it was that he was playing some new material (as I have been a bit slack buying vinyl recently !) that I have not yet heard, it just didn’t do it for me unfortunatly :s I wasn’t really pulled into his set like I usually am. Maybe it was the beer that I had drank too much of. I duno !! But anyway, none the less, he pleased a lot of the clubbers tonight, and that is the most important factor here.

Next up on the decks represenitng CTW, was Gilly and Deano B2B. Iv seen Gilly play at Damnation in Leeds a few months ago. Now he also plays it hard and as dirty as you like, but, iv not seen Deano play, so I couldn’t wait for this ! I like watching DJ’s playing B2B because it shows you what style / selection of tunes the individual DJ is into and what their favourite tunes are ! So on they progressed and they played some really hard tunes which was well up to my liking so I was not dissapoainted ! Standing in front of the DJ booth with DoObY going wild with all the rest of the clubbers, "Fucking Hostile" to which all the crowd went exstatic. It works every time ! I wasn’t much of a tune spotter tonight – being a tad drunk I was far more intersted in watching how each DJ used the mixer and trying to control my feet from dancing too much. But what I will say is, Gilly and Deano played a great set and it was to every clubbers liking in this room tonight – so well done boys !


After Gilly and Deano done the deed and played their set, it was time for Phill Reynolds to get up in the decks. In my experience, Phill Reynolds is ALWAYS a crowd pleaser. You know why ? Because the man simply has respect for more than just DJ’in. He has respect for the people he is aiming to please. The crowd. You will always find Phill being one of the clubbers on the dancefloor with the rest of the hardhouse nutters. Always has a smile on his face and always has time to sign a few records and pose for a few pictures ! He deserves all the respect in the world !

He continued to strutt his stuff behind the decks and get the ball rolling and the vinyls spinning. Everyone cheered him on, and IMO, this is what gives you a boost of eagerness to just bosh out the tunes everyone loves and watch everyone smile. Phill Reynolds played some quality tuneage, but unfortunalty, I was too pissed to remember, but im sure those of you who went to see him play, you will know what I mean when I say his tunes were HARD ! Well done Phill !

By this time my feet were in agony and it was time to have a rest. But firstly, before Jay, Nina, Jilly and myself headed down to the café to sit down, chill and mingle with everyone else, we headed into the trance room to see who was playing and what tunes our ears were hearing. As soon as you walked in this room it was just filled with euphoric rushes that were teasing you. If you love trance, you will know what I mean ! I used to love trance and I am slowy getting back into the worlwind of being roped into it again. Why ? Because trance music is nothing but, along the lines of, beautifull. It’s an amazing genre of music excellently put together, blendind into none other than more beatifull mixes of trance. Im not sure what DJ’s played as my night was set to venture in the hardhouse room all night but I know that from this day forward I shall be spreading myself into the rooms of trance and taking more interets in trance and not just hardhouse !

In this room we bumped into djtommy, Don and Fintbeast. All getting into the trance edged crowd and just seeing the looks of enjoyment on their faces was good to see ! Fintbeast, my first night of ever meeting him in the flesh, seems to be into trance the way I used to be when it first got me into the dance scene - aswell as Don who is also into this type of music genre, I think they stayed in this room for most of the night but all the same, they enjoyed it, which was the aim of the night !

We decided to leave this room and grab some fresh air and go and sit in the café with Jay, Nina and Jilly. This room was by far hot ! But it had air conditioning and had some ice lolly pops for sale at the front so it wasn’t all that bad !

In here is where most of the CTW crew were, and it was pushing for almost 3:00am. At this point, a crowd of WildChild members had come through the café all dressed up in police officers shouting "Rees Police" which was, in fact, hillarious ! We watched everyones face just light up and think "what the hell !". Oh deary me ! All fun… !

Kether showed up and we deciced to head into VIP and see whats on in here – the music was Funky, the people were funky, I was liking…..FUNKY ! We seen Guyster in here – unfortunalty, earlier on in the night I had missed his set YET AGAIN ! I missed him at WildChild at the last one and missed him again. As gutted as I was, I was pleased to see him anyway as it has been ages since I had last seen him ! As always, he’s looking good and looking as fit as a fiddle !

Moving on from the VIP we ventured back at the café where poor James looked as though he was about to fall on the floor and just fall asleep. He looked how I felt ! So we decided that we were going to say goodbye to everyone and shoot off home and straight to bed as that was the best place for us at the moment !

Tonight was a really good night. I didn’t get to see the other DJ’s I wanted to see. But I couldn’t really stay standing and we had to drive home, so safety will always come first ! Also, the most important thing to me is, being with the members. Being with your mates. Seeing everyone from CTW that you really get on with really makes a difference to when you go out and plan to ‘av it large. And that is what we did.

Heavan was a great venue and was big enough to hold all the hardhouse stompers !

I thouroughly enjoyed myself and will definatley be at the next WildChild event for more fun and frollicks !

Hope you had a good time guys – see you at the next one !!


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