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Cally Gage & Olly Perris interview each other ahead of their B2B set @ Addiction's 2nd BDay !!
Posted by Addiction on Sep 18, 2006 - 9:56:00 PM

Cally on Olly.
CG: So you’re a bit of a young-gun at 22. How long have you been DJing and producing? Describe your sound to us.

OP: I’ve been DJ’ing now since I was 15 years old. I got into it from listening to Judge Jules’ classic “Clubbers Guide” CDs in 1998/1999, and wanted to know exactly how he was mixing the tunes together. I got into mixing MP3s, which was of course impossible back then, but I got my decks when I was 16 years old and picked up the trade properly from there. I started producing when I was 16, as I had a few creative ideas which I wanted to try to get down to play in my sets. I guess the sound I’m best known for is no-nonsense, uplifting hard trance with a distinct UK edge to it.

Taken by Sam Chamberlain
CG: Have you always played/produced hard dance ?

OP: Hehehe, here’s my first embarrassing revelation. I’ve always produced hard house (with the exclusion of several dismal attempts at techno!) but as for DJ’ing… well, at university I actually worked as an R&B DJ for 3 years, and I did weekly cheese nights at our student union nightclub, hosting stage games and playing Britney Spears records to pissed-up students! I actually love cheese music / cheese clubbing so it was a great thing for me to do. As far as serious DJing goes though, it’s always been hard dance.

CG: What was the first tune that you ever made ? What was it like ?

OP: Good Lord, this takes me back. The first ever tune I did was called “Hausmuzik” and was, I thought at the time anyway, a 150bpm rip-roaring, innovative, incredible slice of futuristic hard house. That was until I went to sleep that night and awoke the next morning to listen to it again, where I realised it was utter, complete, horrible noise!

CG: What have been the highlights of your career so far ?

OP: DJ’ing, I toured Australia in 2005 which was incredible! I played three awesome gigs in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney and met some of the nicest clubbers on earth! I was also out there for my 21st birthday, which was wicked. Producing, in 2003 mine & Ashley Sinclair’s remix of VG & The Red Hed ‘Move Your Body’ featured on the CD single of Nukleuz’ “DJ Nation EP 2” which hit the UK Top 40 chart at number 36, which was wicked. Later in 2003, our original track “Atmosphere” did 10,000 copies in its first week of release and charted at number 48, which was also wicked.

CG: So are you looking forward to our b2b then? Have you got anything up your sleeve that you’re going to pull out for the evening ?

OP: Oh Cally, I can’t wait to play with you ;) In all seriousness, it is going to be rather good isn’t it? I think we have really similar styles of playing so we should work well together. As for tracks up my sleeve, I do have several of my own re-edits with me including a very special one of one of my favourite rock songs of all time... I won’t say much, but let’s just say I hope it doesn’t “kill” the crowd with its “bright”ness… (Dear me, that’s a lame clue!)

CG: What have been the most embarrassing/cringe worth moments ?

OP: Plenty in real life but DJing wise, I think I’ve been fairly cringe-free up until now, apart from the usual taking-the-wrong-record-off saga. I hope that continues, as I really don’t like embarrassment at all!

CG: What are your plans for the future ? Where do you see yourself in 5 years time ?

OP: I’m really not too sure to be honest. If you’d have asked me 5 years ago whether I would have gone to University in Southampton to study History, I would have laughed at you, but now that seems like such a real and natural thing. I’d love to see myself on a beach somewhere surrounded by supple young virgins, but in all reality, probably still in London. Unfortunately.

CG: There have been a lot of changes in the hard house scene over the last few years, what do you think of this scene at the moment and where do you think it will go ?

OP: I love the way that psy-trance has worked itself into the scene as its so innovative and fresh. At the huge risk of being called a dirty name dropper, I was actually talking about this with Nick Sentience the other day, and we both agree that the awesome production quality of psy-trance should and needs to rub off onto the production quality of UK hard trance. It’s a tough time for innovation at the moment but there are plenty of influences and styles still out there waiting to be untapped, it just needs someone to take the plunge and go for it.

CG: So what do you get up to in your spare time ? A typical day in the life of Olly Perris !

OP: I do the whole boring 9-5 thing unfortunately, but I’m lucky that my 9-5 is also an industry job! I work as Label Manager for mp3 store I get into work, and am instantly ordered to make the tea by my partner in crime Ed Real, with whom I share a sweaty, concrete block in Bermondsey with no windows or air conditioning! After I’ve made the tea, I get to work. I have to look after over 3,000 labels and need to be constantly hunting down the hottest tunes to get onto the site, which is a lot of work but also a lot of fun! At the weekends, you can either find me DJing at great events such as Addiction or slumped in a drunken stupor in some desolate cheese club.

CG: So what other exciting things have you got coming up ? Any studio time booked ? What have we got to look forward to from you ?

OP: Lots of cool stuff to come! I’m doing some solo work for the Addiction Digital label, which I manage, and also some collaboration’s with some well-known producers – more on that to come soon! Generally though I’m just looking forward to whatever tests life throws at me – bring it on baby!

Olly on Cally.

OP: Let’s not beat about the bush here with the first question. You’re just a little bit stunning. Naturally, with me there too, there could be some fiery chemistry between us. How do you think you will cope with such a strapping lad in the DJ booth with you ?

CG: Oh no, now you’ve got me all embarrassed before we even start! Thanks for the compliment though babe, that’s dead nice of you to say so. Although, it might be a good idea to warn the clubbers of the potential chemistry they may experience watching us - just so they’re all prepared, lol !

OP: On a serious note (!), it has always been difficult for female DJs to waive off the “pretty but can’t mix” tag, however you’ve proven yourself time and time again as a scene-leading female DJ with skills comparable to the best of the best. Does it anger or empower you when people stupidly label pretty female DJs as talentless ?

CG: Wow, you really are being nice to me today, haha! Seriously though, I think female DJ’s will always have that tag, as it’s such a male dominated industry and it’s still a bit of a novelty to see a female behind the decks. I’m not sure that it angers me as such, but it is a bit annoying that when some people talk about female DJ’s, their technical ability is the last thing they mention! Since the beginning of my career, I have always tried to push myself on what and how I play - not the fact that I’m female. After reading your question, I presume that this is working and people do talk about my skills before they mention anything else. Female DJ’s are just as good as the boys anyway - I’m sure we’ll give them all a run for their money !

OP: You’ve come a long way so quickly in the hard dance scene, and have headlined pretty much every major event and played every major arena. What has been the standout moment from your career so far ?

CG: Looking back on what I’ve achieved still really shocks me, as it’s only been 2 years since my first ever gig! I just get on with what I do and love every single minute of it. When I do get chance to look back on everything that I’ve done, I still can’t quite believe that I’m here! I’m not sure that there has been one single moment that has stood out for me, but a couple that I’d like to mention would be winning the Tidy Summer Camp Competition in 2004 - this really kick started it all for me and I was totally oblivious as to what could come from this! Secondly, it would have to be getting signed to the mighty Frantic agency, which is now known as UDJs. Will Patterson is such a highly respected person within our scene and definitely someone I now look up to, so to have him take me on right from the beginning was such an honour and something that I hope will continue long into the future.

OP: What do you think makes a good DJ? Track selection, crowd interaction or technical ability ? Or all three ?

CG: I think nowadays you have to have the whole package really - a bit like you and me, lol! So many people can mix now, as pretty much everyone has a set of decks at home. Because of this you have to make yourself a little bit different and stand out to make it in this industry. As a clubber, I would always love to watch a DJ that could mix really well, but they also had to have a bit of personality behind the decks, as watching them have a good time makes you enjoy it that little bit more on the dance floor. I love jumping around behind the decks going crazy while I’m playing, as I love what I do and the tunes that I play - I don’t think I could stay still anyway, even if you paid me to!

OP: You’ve been on a few trips to the studio lately. What kind of tracks should the record buying public expect from you ? What kind of style have you gone for on your productions ?

CG: I have only been in the studio once and that was sometime last summer, with a certain DJ called Ben Bennett. As this was my first time, it was a really new experience for me, but I loved every minute of it. Since then I haven’t ventured back down this route as I was concentrating more on my DJ career, but now I feel the time is right for me to look into production again. I have booked some studio time in with Greg Brookman and have a few ideas of what we’re going to come up with - but you’ll just have to wait and see on this I’m afraid. Other producers that I’d love to work with are yourself (of course), Technikal, Lee Pasch and MDA & Spherical - but you’ll just have to watch this space, as good things come to those who wait (apparently)!

OP: You’re known for your no-nonsense, straight up hard dance style which has won you fans across the country and beyond. What do you make of the current electro/psy influences to the traditional hard dance sound ? Does it spoil it ?

CG: Well, I recently went to Ibiza and was told that I would come back loving electro and house music. Well I proved everyone wrong, as I probably hate these genres of music more than before I even went ! I don’t really know what to make of psy-trance music either, as I haven’t really listened to it enough to form an opinion. I don’t think any other particular style of music can spoil hard house - everything needs to evolve, so to have new influences can only be a good thing, right? I just love hard house to be honest - so I’ll play anything that has a nice, heavy, rolling bassline and euphoric breakdown, as this is sure to get me and a dance floor going!

OP: What has been your favourite back to back set to date and why ?

CG: I have played quite a few back to backs in the past and most of them have worked out pretty well. One that does stand out though, is my back to back set with Mr Whitby last October - this was for Timeless and held of the legendary KoKo Club. Firstly, the whole night was classics only - so this means that you’re definately in for a good night anyway. Secondly, I think me and Andy work really well together and it was a back to back set that people had been waiting a while to see. The KoKo Club is my favourite ever venue to play at and I remember the view from that stage when we were on - you just had to be there, but it was an incredible sight and something that I’ll never forget.

OP: You’ve mixed the upcoming Frantic Residents album for Nukleuz Records alongside your other half Andy Whitby. Be honest, were there squabbles over who played what track and who did the better mixes ?

CG: I know - how exciting is that?! I was soooo excited to be asked to mix this compilation and can’t wait to see it in the shops - I mean, my face is going to be in HMV! There weren’t many squabbles though to be honest, as we do play quite different tracks in our sets and we don’t swap anything either (nobody comes near my cd’s)! We mixed half each and I really feel that it shows each of us as a DJ and the sound that we play. It is out in the shops on Monday 25th September, so make sure you all go and buy a copy - it will definitely be worth it, I promise!

OP: What do you make of Addiction as a party/record label ?

CG: Unfortunately I haven’t had the pleasure of attending an Addiction party yet, but have heard loads of great things about it. I’m really chuffed to have been asked to play as well, especially as it’s the 2nd birthday and I’m playing b2b with you Olly - that just tops it all off for me really! Moving on to the label, I have been fortunate enough to have received most of the releases and have liked pretty much everyone. I feel that the label is very strong and has produced some high quality tracks, right from the beginning. Addiction was one of the first labels to make the bold move and only produce mp3’s - so you could say that it set the standard for all other labels to follow, it definately sets it apart from everyone else in that fact anyway.

OP: Finally, apart from Addiction of course, what are you most looking forward to throughout 2006 ?

CG: I am really looking forward to Addiction, it’s going to be such a good night and one gig that I’ve been looking forward to for absolutely ages. I think that we are going to work really well together - as long as you have underwear on, lol! I’ve got quite a lot coming up over the remainder of the year with at least 1 gig a weekend, which is great. Just to mention a few things for you though, the Frantic Residents 06 Album will be in all good record stores from 25th September (not sure if I’d already mentioned this)!, I will be looking to get into production more so you’ll hopefully be seeing some tracks from myself sand my website should be up and running sometime soon as well - so please keep looking at for this.

Random/Quick Fire

If you were to throw a dinner party, which 5 people (dead or alive) would you invite along and why ?

OP: Kurt Cobain - The world’s most prominent musical genius of all time. Karl Marx - Because I had to study him for my History degree and I want revenge. Ricky Gervais – The funniest comedian of all time bar none. Karl Pilkington – If you’ve heard Ricky Gervais’ podcasts, you’ll know why. Imogen from Big Brother – obvious reasons!

CG: To be honest, I don’t think there is anyone that I’d really like to invite along to a dinner party, apart from 5 of my closest friends! That would be much more fun I think.

What 3 things can you not leave home without ?

OP: My iPod – I’m such a music whore My phone – Everyone feels lost without theirs, but I actually begin to panic The latest Ricky Gervais podcast!

CG: My bag, as this has everything in it that I need - it’s a bit like a Mary Poppins bag! As I have everything in there, I wouldn’t really need anything else, apart from my clothes and shoes!

Where would your dream holiday destination be and who would you take with you ?

OP: I’d love to visit Mexico again. I went there when I was 15, and it was the most amazing place I’ve ever been to. It was so serene, but full of life too. As for who I’d take… hmm, I honestly couldn’t say!! I know my parents loved it there, so probably them. How boring is that!?

CG: I’m not sure about this really, as there are quite a few places that I’d like to go in the world. If I had to pick one though, it would probably be a really expensive trip to Thailand with my gorgeous boyfriend Andy. I’d like to do the trip 5* style - not that I could afford to, but that’s why it’s a dream right?

What’s your favourite venue and why ?

Jesters in Southampton. It’s infamous as it is officially the UK’s number one worst nightclub, but on Monday nights all pints/shots are 50p. It is, quite simply, the best place ever.

CG: My favourite venue has to be The KoKo Club. The place is just amazing and I haven’t found anywhere else yet that quite has the view this venue does from the main stage. Looking up at all the tiers full of crazy clubbers dancing away to what you play, like there’s no tomorrow - well, there’s just nothing that compares to it really.

What’s your favourite tune of all time ?

Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit. On a dance tip, Chicane – Offshore ’97.

CG: It has to be Tony De Vit - I Don’t Care. This tune still gives me tingles every time I hear it - I can tell the tune coming in from a mile off and always used to leg it to the dance floor like a loon when it was played !

What’s your favourite colour ?

Red baby! It’s too sexy for words.

CG: It has to be pink - I have so many pink things it’s untrue. Although I am starting to like yellow and green quite a lot, but would never betray the colour pink, I don’t think !

What’s your favourite food ?

Knorr’s Honey & Mustard Chicken Tonight sauce. Many a sexual meal has been made with this beast.

CG: I’m not really sure what my favourite food is really, as I pretty much eat anything. If I did say one thing though - I think it would be a massive salad with loads of dressing! Weird I know, but Ask restaurant do the best Chef’s Salad in the world - you should go try it, it’s beautiful, honest !

What’s your dream car ?

That Koenigsegg one that The Stig crashed on Top Gear the other week. HOW cool was it!?

CG: Well my dream car has to be a shiny black, top of the range, Nissan 350Z Roadstar! These cars are just beautiful and I really think that I would suit one down to the ground !

Can you tell us a secret please ?

I dont wear any underwear when I'm DJing

CG: Well I could, but it wouldn’t be a secret then would it ? !!!!

To see exactly what the huge fuss about these fine two DJs is, then you really have to be at Addiction’s 2nd Birthday @ The Fridge on the 30th September, 2006. With Greg Brookman (A.L.I.V.E. PA), MDA & Spherical (LIVE), Adam White b2b Anthony Dean ft. STACE (LIVE), Technikal, Ali Wilson b2b Matt Smallwood and John Bentley also on the line-up, this is going to be one of the biggest birthday celebrations in the capital this autumn.

Check out the E Flyer ! for full line up, ticket info, the massive Addiction VIP all the way limousine competition, samples of the immense remix EPs and more !!

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