Quote: 1. You need to dress a cat. And you will say to a cat together with a family. "It has changed just for a moment". [ "it being very dear" or ] You will pass pleasant one time.
2. If a family and a cat become fortunate, you will take a commemorative photo! Therefore, please photo your cat lovelily with much trouble.
3. If it finishes taking a photograph, you will make it remove clothes from a cat immediately. You will say then, without forgetting the language of gratitude to a cat. "-- be flooded -- a way -- good -- having done one's best -- ! -- "
I don't do much on this planet,
but David Blaine has taught me
that I could do less!!
#553484 - 05/30/200306:21 PMRe: For the Cat fanciers amongst us....
[Re: Capn_Jack]
lmao, i remember a few mates of mine goin to someones house party and putting his dog in the microwave for a little while. Brings a whole new meaning to the word "hot dog" doesn't it
you need me i'm magic E, hehe
#553486 - 05/30/200307:37 PMRe: For the Cat fanciers amongst us....
[Re: Simon_C]
Hear you go, A lady in America used to take her little dog for a walk, and when it rained dried it in the oven.... Well one x mas her son bought her a micro wave!!!!!!! Oh yes she did!!!!! And later sued the micro wave makers cause the did not state that hot dogs were not permitted!!!!! Love pets, but thats rather funny!!!