Well, after the carnage that NYE inflicted on us, I found myself grabbing a little too much sleep after Passion, and consequently didn't get into Camden Palace until about 6pm.

After dealing with the strange situation of clubbing at 6 in the evening, it was onto the dance floor for b]Tom Harding's set. A blisterig sonic assault of pumping hard house wrought devastation on my ears, so I retired to the upstairs bar for some soothing hard trance, courtesy of Simon Fielding.

Feeling suitably refreshed (and cos they closed the second room), I returned to the main room in time to catch Andy Farley and Phil Reynolds wreaking havoc across the main dancefloor. I remember standing on a bin jumping about like a loon to Are You All Ready, and that's about it. Not good, but I think by this stage NYE was catching up with me, and my body was giving me the proverbial two fingers.


Riot Bros. - Guyver Unit

Because of the singalong I started in the Black and White bar, and cos of the wikkid Anime sample.


"I can't stay til the end, I'm too tired."

It all gets a bit much for ElsXBells.

------------------------------------------------- Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub