Comical Ali (priase Allah) has made his triumphant return to the source of all evil - CTW. I bring with me the word of Allah to combat you infidels. All the talk that Hard House is going down the tubes - it is because of the proud Iraqi peoples that this is happening. With the will of Allah, we have torn down this house - it wasn't very hard, was it. No doubt your pitiful leader Blair will go running to the motherless scum Bush complaining that there have been more terrorist acts against his culture - yet more buildings destroyed due to hard house being demolished.
Be warned that I will repulse any attack - if you want to commit suicide on the spikes of my logic, then fall away infidels!
And I will bring more of these houses down low - it is the will of Allah!
PS Hello Maria's mum. Have though thought more of my generous offer to join my esteemed hareem? Due to unforseen shortages, there are now many openings in this illustrious post. Apply within, that's my motto!